For the first two months of my home training, I only exercised on the website. I didn’t think about the use of proper diet. I thought that the less you eat, the better - you lose weight faster. Now I realize that this is the most essential mistake
Written by
Olga Churikova
10 years of athletics, 3 years of volleyball. Participant and winner of numerous sports competitions.
10 years of athletics, 3 years of volleyball. Participant and winner of numerous sports competitions.
Anastasia, who managed to get rid of 11 kg (24 lbs), encountered this problem at the beginning of her workout process:
For the first two months of my home training, I only exercised on the website. I didn’t think about the use of proper diet. I thought that the less you eat, the better - you lose weight faster. Now I realize that this is the most essential mistake
Basic principles of the balanced diet
1. Create a varied menu, do not focus on 2-3 healthy products. Thanks to this, you will meet the body's needs for nutrients and microelements. The balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is also important. We recommend sticking to a ratio of 35% protein, 35% fat, and 30% carbohydrates. Create a balanced diet with healthy recipes.
2. Eat more often, but in small portions. Divide your daily diet into 5-6 small meals - this will prevent you from overeating.
3. Avoid significant caloric deficits or excesses. The amount of energy consumed should be close to your energy expenditure. Both overeating and constant hunger lead to major health problems.
4. Do not consume food waste: fast food, processed foods, snacks, soda, or canned food. Eliminate fatty foods and fried foods from your diet. Reduce your salt and sugar intake.
5. Drink enough water. Water is a key element for the functioning of our body. Without sufficient consumption of fresh drinking water, all previous recommendations will not be so effective.
Stick to these basic principles, and you will definitely notice improvements in your health and appearance.